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Product Description

This includes One Visual Resume for International Job Hunting with Resume Forwarding Service and Social Media Profile on Linked in. First Draft will be delivered in 3 Working Days.

Candidates can hardly express themselves properly through the typecast wordy formats of traditional resume. More information means more words and letters, which lengthens your conventional resume to a greater degree.

Who really has the time to read 10 pages of textual information about you?

Traditional resumes ultimately hints that the employers might get bored while going through pages and pages of resume or simple overlook them and dump them in the trashcans! This is really pathetic as the entire labor and time involved by the candidate for working on his/her resume is a sheer wastage of time — and now the resume doesn’t serve any potential purpose. At the same time, candidates with immense educational and professional credibility and acclamations often fail to decide what to put in and what to leave. This is exactly where visual resume is highly recommended. articipating actively during the interview gives a good impression of your level of interest in the job. It's a good idea to come prepared with at least three thought-provoking questions to ask your interviewer. (Avoid asking anything that could be easily answered through a quick internet search, or you will simply come across as lazy. If you have a friend who is also preparing for an interview, consider preparing together. Not only will this give you a way to structure your preparation, but it will also help you get comfortable with giving answers, telling anecdotes, and using appropriate terminology. Practice giving concise, complete answers and maintaining eye contact with the interviewer(s) while you give them. Make sure you aren't speaking too slow or too fast and that your answers are stated with confidence.


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